QZLSFILE jobs are the worker jobs for the iSeries NetServer. They handle the communication between each Windows client and the iSeries.
This sounds like either an issue with the VB application or perhaps a performance issue.QZLSFILE will hold a lock while VB has the file is open, or while the file is being copied. Is your VB application properly closing the file, and closing it in a timely manner? I've seel programs that unintentionally hold open the last file written until another one needs to be written.
This is the most likely cause of your lock.If you aren't sure, post the VB code and I'll have a look.If the VB application is behaving itself, I suppose it could be possible that your QZLSFILE jobs could be starving for memory or processor time. Watch the QSERVER subsystem in WRKSYSSTS for a while, or test by allocating more memory to the subsystem where they run and/or temporarily bumping the priority of the job in question to see if it causes the lock to release faster. If so, you probably need to do some performance tuning.- Gary Patterson.
Hello Rob,I've never managed to find a message file containing this stuff. I believe thestatus codedescriptions are only ever printed in the dump spooled file and I don't thinkprogram dumpsneed to be translated.I just use a compile time array for the data in my standard dump handler.
Hereis a copycurrent to VRM420 in RPG III format. It also includes the RPG IV codes becausethe programthis data comes from handles errors in any calling RPG program. I hope itsuseful.‚.
Array for program status codes - condition translation tableE PGMCOD 1 48 5 0 PGMTXT 75 ‚Program status codes‚. Array for file status codes - condition translation tableE FILCOD 1 45 5 FILTXT 75 ‚File status codes.
File Status 9p As400 : Free Programs Utilities And Apps Online
File Status 9p As400 : Free Programs Utilities And Apps Free
CD-COND Status conditions for program codes that have no MSGID (put in file)00000No exception/error occurred.00001Called program returned with LR indicator on.00100Value out of range for string operation.00101Negative square root.00102Divide by zero.00103An intermediate result is not large enough to contain the result.00104Float underflow. A value is too small for the intermediate result field.00112Invalid Date, Time, or Timestamp value.00113Date overflow or underflow.00114Date mapping errors: Map from 4-char to 2-char year - range not 1940-2039.00115Var-length character or graphic field has a current length that is notvalid.00120Table or array out of sequence.00121Array index not valid.00122OCUR outside of range.00123Reset attempted during initialisation step of program.00202Called program failed.